Right To Bemask
Right To Be Safe During the Elections
Right To Be Safe During the Elections

In advance of the 2024 election, Right To Be is working to create three core programs to subvert hate and harassment. We’re asking each of you to join us in movement building by supporting us to combat hate from the ground up.

The Hate and Hope Tracker

Right To Be is working to expand our storytelling platform to create the Hate and Hope tracker, a tool that will combine compelling stories of hate and hope with geographical data to track the trajectory of hate and hope throughout the 2024 election. 


Why data? 


This data-driven platform will be the only of its kind, allowing people to track their experiences of hate and hope across all identities, wherever it happens – online, at voting locations, in the media, or in other public settings.


As a platform user of the Hate and Hope tracker platform, you will also be able to submit media stories on disinformation, hate, and harmful speech during the elections.


By creating a complete picture of where and how hate happens, we can focus our movement on ending hate and harassment in all forms by empowering the communities most affected by it. We will also be able to show media, politicians, legislators, and allies how harassment is happening across the country, so they can identify what needs to be done to stop it.


Your support is the difference between being able to intervene in these communities experiencing the highest rate of harassment and hate or standing by idly.


Join us in our fight to end voter intimidation and harassment.



Right To Be
Community Roundtables

Impacted communities must be at the center of any meaningful change. 


Right To Be is leading a series of Community Roundtables leading up to the Presidential election. The public sessions will bring leading organizers together to report hateful political rhetoric – and collaborate on local action.


At each roundtable, participants can learn about how hate and voter intimidation is showing up for impacted communities and what each of us can do to stop it. 


Right To Be’s Community Roundtables will include community partners and will be facilitated by experienced Right To Be trainers. We hope you tune in.

Right To Be
Hate and Hope Study

Finally, Right To Be is working alongside university partners to create a first-of-its-kind Hate and Hope Study.


The study addresses the role of elections in perpetuating violence, showing the impact of hate-based political speech. It analyzes the role of bystander intervention and “calling out” political discrimination.


We want to learn what is most effective and, based on that research, to reach as many people as possible with effective anti-violence work during elections.


Research is underfunded, but critical if we want our interventions to matter. 


Can we count on you during this critical time?


Together, we can stand against hate and reclaim our right to be who we are.


Right To Be