
partner with us

After our training, 76% of your team will intervene the next time they see bias.*
*Based on 2021 research, performed by Germain Solutions.

Getting your team trained

We provide free trainings to the public and customized training experiences to businesses, organizations, schools, and colleges.

We have proven methodologies in the areas of bystander intervention, conflict de-escalation, harassment prevention, and resilience. Whether you’re a nonprofit, government entity, Fortune 500 company, or champion for safer spaces, we can work with you to create the training experience you’re looking for.

We use any revenue earned from customized training experiences to accelerate efforts to end harassment and provide free trainings to the general public.

NOTE: To protect the integrity of our work, we ask that you do not use or repurpose our methodologies without permission.

Step 1

You complete this form

Step 2

We’ll be in touch to set up a call

Step 3

We’ll customize your training (optional)

Step 4

We’ll deliver your training

Contact us to discuss fully custom, year-round sponsorship opportunities.
Corporate Sponsorships
Our corporate sponsors are committed to creating a world without harassment

Our corporate sponsors amplify our 5Ds methodology of bystander intervention and help us share it with more communities than ever.

Right To Be

L’Oréal Paris sponsors our Stand Up Against Street Harassment initiative to educate one million people about bystander intervention globally by the end of 2022.

Right To Be

The Jordan Brand sponsors our Bystander Intervention training to Stop Police-Sponsored Violence and anti-Black Racist Harassment.

Right To Be

Uber sponsored the creation of our Bystander Intervention training to Support the Trans* Community.

To find out more about becoming a corporate sponsor, contact us.


There are lots of ways to partner with us

We partner with people and organizations to adapt our training methodology to emerging moments and needs.

We develop resources on harassment–in all its forms–and are always open to developing new ones together.

We’ve collected over 18,000+ stories of harassment. We collaborate with research institutions to answer pressing and emerging questions related to harassment in all its forms.

New moments require new programs. We collaborate with organizations seeking to develop new and necessary programming in response to harassment.

A small group of people sit together and have a discussion.Right To Be

Some of our partnerships with issue-based experts...

Right To Be

Bystander Intervention training to Stop anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment: Since the recent rise in anti-Asian/American harassment, we have partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to train the general public for free in bystander intervention to stop anti-Asian harassment. The trainings have reached over 120,000+ people to date.

Right To Be

Trainings to address Online Harassment: We have partnered with PEN America to adapt our bystander intervention methodology for harassment in online spaces.

Right To Be

Be A SuperAlly with the 5Ds for Kids: We have partnered with Woori Show to create kid-friendly video content about bystander intervention and bullying.

Right To Be

Bystander Intervention training to Stop anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment: Since the recent rise in anti-Asian/American harassment, we have partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to train the general public for free in bystander intervention to stop anti-Asian harassment. The trainings have reached over 120,000+ people to date.

To find out more about partnerships with us, contact us.

Add further depth to your engagement with us by ordering copies of our book and scheduling a book talk. I’ve Got Your Back: The Indispensable Guide to Stopping Harassment When You See It is authored by our very own leadership and will take you through the 5Ds of bystander intervention: Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, and Direct. Each chapter dives deeply into how to put these 5Ds in action — whether you witness harassment in public, online, or at work. It’s an invaluable resource in creating a new vision for our communities — one where we stand up for our neighbors, and our neighbors stand up for us.

Right To Be
For book packages and scheduling book talks, contact us.

Learn about our
Allies Solidarity Network

Let’s Get Going

Get in touch
For general or press inquiries, training, or corporate partnerships click below, fill out the form and we will be in touch.