Everyone deserves to live free of harm, and Right To Be believes in promoting acts of humanity, kindness, and care during challenging times. We’re dedicated to fostering safer college campuses by empowering individuals to intervene effectively in the face of hate and harassment. Join us for this 60-minute interactive workshop, designed to empower students (staff and faculty too) with the essential tools to navigate challenging moments and make a difference for someone experiencing harm.
Using our proven 5Ds methodology, this training will provide the opportunity to equip you with the knowledge and skills to be an active bystander in service of others who are facing hate or harassment. By applying your learning of the 5Ds to campus-based scenarios, our aim is that you leave feeling more assured about stepping in when you witness hate or harassment on campus.
During this time we will also create space for you to reflect on your own bystander experiences to help frame your story in the name of awareness and healing.
We hope you’ll join us and leave with new tools and actionable steps to counteract hate, show support for one another, and uphold our collective right to be who we are. Whether you find yourself amid an incident of hate or harassment or simply navigating life’s daily challenges on campus, we’ll ensure you have helpful information to intervene safely.