Right To Be has created a new training pathway designed for individuals and small teams to easily access our Four Strategies To Mitigate Implicit Bias training, one of our most popular training topics, by paying per seat, compared to a full in-house training.
Everyone holds implicit biases. That doesn’t make us “bad people,” it just means that we have work to do. This training will teach you how to understand and begin to undo your own implicit biases. We’ll start by learning the brain science behind implicit bias and how the part of the brain that used to protect us now holds us back. We will discuss Right To Be’s four strategies to mitigate bias and learn how we can incorporate them into our everyday life. This training is interactive, so come prepared to engage in activities and brief thought experiments to reflect on how implicit bias can show up in our actions and how those actions can affect those around us. Leaving this training you will feel more confident in your own ability to detect and mitigate bias.
Investment: $69.99 per person