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Right To Be
Resilience: This Moment and Beyond
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm EST

Resilience: This Moment and Beyond

Right To Be is offering this interactive, and experiential learning experience that will teach you how to author your own resilience, using Right To Be’s resilience methodology: sit with what is, create your story, and be in choice.

We’ll start by talking about what resilience really is, and how it’s different (and harder) than self-care. Using guided practices, we’ll learn how to hold our pain and still find joy. We’ll explore how we’re making sense of this moment — and how that’s shaping our experience of it. And we’ll learn practices to recover quickly when we’re knocked down by the world.


Taking care of yourself

is a revolutionary act

Resources you can use to begin healing, build resilience, and get trained to

make a difference.

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