Right To Be
Bystander Intervention: Engaging Masculine-Identifying Folks as Allies
Training Description
What will you learn?

This 75-minute interactive training will teach you Right To Be’s 5Ds of bystander intervention methodology. We’ll start by talking about the role of masculine-identifying individuals in creating safer spaces and reshaping our communities. We’ll reflect on how that responsibility does not stem from an inherent superiority but from the toxic cultural constructs that associate masculinity with dominance, aggression, and emotional repression. And through recognition of how traditional roles and power dynamics show up in public spaces, how masculine-identifying folks can leverage that privilege for positive change. We’ll look at recognizing different types of disrespect, hate, and harassment using a tool called “the spectrum of disrespect.”  You’ll learn what to look for and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. We’ll talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. We’ll have time at the end for practice, and you’ll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see hate or harassment in person.

Participants will leave the workshop with

-An Understanding of Bystander Intervention: Insights into the significance of bystander intervention and its impact on communities and individuals.

-Knowledge of the 5Ds: Overview of how to use the 5Ds strategies using masculine-identifying allies’ lens.

-Scenario-Based Practice: Interactive scenarios through polling, enabling participants to practice intervention strategies in a safe and supportive environment.

-Tools for Safe Intervention: Strategies for assessing situations and intervening in a manner that prioritizes everyone’s safety.

-Enhanced confidence and motivation to take action against hate and harassment, embodying the principles of allyship in everyday life.

“Bystander Intervention: Engaging Masculine-Identifying Folks as Allies” is more than just a workshop; it’s a commitment to change. Masculine-identifying allies play a crucial role in disrupting the cycle of hate and harassment. By equipping them with the skills and confidence to intervene, we can collectively foster a culture of respect, dignity, and safety for all.

Empower yourself and your community. Become a force for change. Register for “Bystander Intervention: Engaging Masculine-Identifying Folks as Allies” today and take the first step towards becoming an engaged, informed, and effective ally.




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